Contact Us

Welcome to High Impact Motorsports!

Our mission is to provide you with the services you need to make your car or truck what you want it to be. If you want to discuss your wants and/or needs, please talk to our qualified team.  We will gladly discuss your options and benefits that apply to your vehicle.  You may call and talk to our team or you may come in and ask questions regarding your expectations. You may send an email asking questions, but frequently a face-to-face discussion or a phone conversation will provide for more valuable insight for both you and us, as to what you need or want.

Come in, call us or click here to send email.

Hours of Operation

Mon-Fri 8:30am – 5:30pm
Sat: Closed
Sun: Closed

6965 Speedway Blvd #X112
Las Vegas, NV 89115

Take either I-15 North or 215 toward Las Vegas Motor Speedway.
Proceed to Exit 54 (about 1 mile north of 15/215)
Turn right onto Speedway, then third (3rd) right into the industrial complex.
Go south about 1/2 mile, look for building X, suite 112 (south side of “X” building).

Directions from Nellis & Las Vegas Blvd:

Go north (NE) on Las Vegas Blvd about 2+ miles.
Turn left onto Hollywood.
Go north about 1 mile, turn right into the industrial complex.
Look for building X, suite 112 (south side of “X” building).

Our Location
High Impact Motorsports
6965 Speedway Blvd X112
Las Vegas, NV 89115

Phone: 702-644-0284

Get Best Services from Our Business.